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Found 76 results
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Steinlauf AF
Traube M
Neitlich JD
Cooney EL
. 1998.
Clostridium difficile colitis: a possible cause of unexplained elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase levels in patients with AIDS.
Clin Infect Dis. 26(5):1248-9.
Steinlauf AF
Garcia-Tsao G
Zakko MF
Dickey K
Gupta T
Groszmann RJ
. 1999.
Low-dose midazolam sedation: an option for patients undergoing serial hepatic venous pressure measurements.
Hepatology. 29(4):1070-3.
Persley K
Scherl E
Rubin P
. 2001.
Avoidance of steroids by the early use of infliximab and 6-mercaptopurine in an adolescent with active Crohn's colitis.
Am J Gastroenterol. 96(12):3444-5.
Stathopoulos C
Jacquin-Becker C
Becker HD
Li T
Ambrogelly A
Longman R
Söll D
. 2001.
Methanococcus jannaschii prolyl-cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase possesses overlapping amino acid binding sites.
Biochemistry. 40(1):46-52.
Scherl EJ
. 2002.
Irritable-inflammatory bowel disease: recognizing a new overlap syndrome and an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 8(5):373-4.
Steinlauf AF
Present DH
. 2004.
Medical management of the pregnant patient with inflammatory bowel disease.
Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 33(2):361-85,xi.
Longman RS
Talal AH
Jacobson IM
Albert ML
Rice CM
. 2004.
Presence of functional dendritic cells in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus.
Blood. 103(3):1026-9.
Yang A
Chen Y
Scherl E
Neugut AI
Bhagat G
Green PHR
. 2005.
Inflammatory bowel disease in patients with celiac disease.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 11(6):528-32.
Barba-Spaeth G
Longman RS
Albert ML
Rice CM
. 2005.
Live attenuated yellow fever 17D infects human DCs and allows for presentation of endogenous and recombinant T cell epitopes.
J Exp Med. 202(9):1179-84.
Longman RS
Talal AH
Jacobson IM
Rice CM
Albert ML
. 2005.
Normal functional capacity in circulating myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
J Infect Dis. 192(3):497-503.
Braun D
Longman RS
Albert ML
. 2005.
A two-step induction of indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO) activity during dendritic-cell maturation.
Blood. 106(7):2375-81.
Otani T
Yamaguchi K
Scherl E
Du B
Tai H-H
Greifer M
Petrovic L
Daikoku T
Dey SK
Subbaramaiah K
et al.
. 2006.
Levels of NAD(+)-dependent 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase are reduced in inflammatory bowel disease: evidence for involvement of TNF-alpha.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 290(2):G361-8.
Baumgart M
Dogan B
Rishniw M
Weitzman G
Bosworth B
Yantiss R
Orsi RH
Wiedmann M
McDonough P
Kim SGuk
et al.
. 2007.
Culture independent analysis of ileal mucosa reveals a selective increase in invasive Escherichia coli of novel phylogeny relative to depletion of Clostridiales in Crohn's disease involving the ileum.
ISME J. 1(5):403-18.
Decalf J
Fernandes S
Longman R
Ahloulay M
Audat F
Lefrerre F
Rice CM
Pol S
Albert ML
. 2007.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells initiate a complex chemokine and cytokine network and are a viable drug target in chronic HCV patients.
J Exp Med. 204(10):2423-37.
Marion JF
Waye JD
Present DH
Israel Y
Bodian C
Harpaz N
Chapman M
Itzkowitz S
Steinlauf AF
Abreu MT
et al.
. 2008.
Chromoendoscopy-targeted biopsies are superior to standard colonoscopic surveillance for detecting dysplasia in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a prospective endoscopic trial.
Am J Gastroenterol. 103(9):2342-9.
Poppers DM
Scherl EJ
. 2008.
Prophylaxis against Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: toward a standard of care.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 14(1):106-13.
Sandborn WJ
Feagan BG
Fedorak RN
Scherl E
Fleisher MR
Katz S
Johanns J
Blank M
Rutgeerts P
. 2008.
A randomized trial of Ustekinumab, a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease.
Gastroenterology. 135(4):1130-41.
Murphy SJ
Wang L
Anderson LA
Steinlauf A
Present DH
Mechanick JI
. 2009.
Withdrawal of corticosteroids in inflammatory bowel disease patients after dependency periods ranging from 2 to 45 years: a proposed method.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 30(10):1078-86.
Weinstock LB
Bosworth BP
Scherl EJ
Li E
Iroku U
Munsell MA
Mullen GE
Walters AS
. 2010.
Crohn's disease is associated with restless legs syndrome.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 16(2):275-9.
Verma HDev
Scherl EJanice
Jacob VElizabeth
Bosworth BPaul
. 2011.
Anti-nuclear antibody positivity and the use of certolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease patients who have had arthralgias or lupus-like reactions from infliximab or adalimumab.
J Dig Dis. 12(5):379-83.
Agrawal M
Arora S
Li J
Rahmani R
Sun L
Steinlauf AF
Mechanick JI
Zaidi M
. 2011.
Bone, inflammation, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Curr Osteoporos Rep. 9(4):251-7.
Longman RS
Remotti H
Green PH
. 2011.
Esophagitis dissecans superficialis.
Gastrointest Endosc. 74(2):403-4.
Steinlauf AF
Marion JF
Sacchar D
Sandler AL
Greenstein AJ
Harris MT
. 2011.
Ileouterine fistulae: possible predisposing factors to this rare complication of Crohn's disease.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 17(3):872-3.
Craven M
Egan CE
Dowd SE
McDonough SP
Dogan B
Denkers EY
Bowman D
Scherl EJ
Simpson KW
. 2012.
Inflammation drives dysbiosis and bacterial invasion in murine models of ileal Crohn's disease.
PLoS One. 7(7):e41594.
Shen T-CDavid
Lebwohl B
Verma H
Kumta N
Tennyson C
Lewis S
Scherl E
Swaminath A
Capiak KM
DiGiacomo D
et al.
. 2012.
Peripheral neuropathic symptoms in celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 13(3):137-45.
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