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Journal Article
Sandborn WJ
Feagan BG
Fedorak RN
Scherl E
Fleisher MR
Katz S
Johanns J
Blank M
Rutgeerts P
. 2008.
A randomized trial of Ustekinumab, a human interleukin-12/23 monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease.
Gastroenterology. 135(4):1130-41.
Scherl EJ
Kumar S
Warren RU
. 2010.
Review of the safety and efficacy of ustekinumab.
Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 3(5):321-8.
Kothary V
Scherl EJ
Bosworth B
Jiang Z-D
Dupont HL
Harel J
Simpson KW
Dogan B
. 2013.
Rifaximin resistance in Escherichia coli associated with inflammatory bowel disease correlates with prior rifaximin use, mutations in rpoB, and activity of Phe-Arg-β-naphthylamide-inhibitable efflux pumps.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57(2):811-7.
Cohen-Mekelburg S
Schneider Y
Gold S
Ghosh G
Rosenblatt R
Hajifathalian K
Scherl E
Schnoll-Sussman F
Katz P
Steinlauf A
. 2019.
Risk of Early Colorectal Cancers Needs to Be Considered in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care.
Dig Dis Sci. 64(8):2273-2279.
Gu W
Wang H
Huang X
Kraiczy J
Singh PNP
Ng C
Dagdeviren S
Houghton S
Pellon-Cardenas O
Lan Y
et al.
. 2021.
SATB2 preserves colon stem cell identity and mediates ileum-colon conversion via enhancer remodeling.
Cell Stem Cell.
Kumar A
Magro C
Lukin DJ
. 2020.
Scattered Skin Eruptions in a Patient With Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Faleck DM
Winters A
Chablaney S
Shashi P
Meserve J
Weiss A
Aniwan S
Koliani-Pace JL
Kochhar G
Boland BS
et al.
. 2019.
Shorter Disease Duration Is Associated With Higher Rates of Response to Vedolizumab in Patients With Crohn's Disease But Not Ulcerative Colitis.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17(12):2497-2505.e1.
Faleck DM
Winters A
Chablaney S
Shashi P
Meserve J
Weiss A
Aniwan S
Koliani-Pace JL
Kochhar G
Boland BS
et al.
. 2019.
Shorter Disease Duration Is Associated With Higher Rates of Response to Vedolizumab in Patients With Crohn's Disease But Not Ulcerative Colitis.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17(12):2497-2505.e1.
Faleck DM
Winters A
Chablaney S
Shashi P
Meserve J
Weiss A
Aniwan S
Koliani-Pace JL
Kochhar G
Boland BS
et al.
. 2019.
Shorter Disease Duration Is Associated With Higher Rates of Response to Vedolizumab in Patients With Crohn's Disease But Not Ulcerative Colitis.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17(12):2497-2505.e1.
Faleck DM
Winters A
Chablaney S
Shashi P
Meserve J
Weiss A
Aniwan S
Koliani-Pace JL
Kochhar G
Boland BS
et al.
. 2019.
Shorter Disease Duration Is Associated With Higher Rates of Response to Vedolizumab in Patients With Crohn's Disease But Not Ulcerative Colitis.
Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 17(12):2497-2505.e1.
Jacob V
Crawford C
Cohen-Mekelburg S
Viladomiu M
Putzel GG
Schneider Y
Chabouni F
OʼNeil S
Bosworth B
Woo V
et al.
. 2017.
Single Delivery of High-Diversity Fecal Microbiota Preparation by Colonoscopy Is Safe and Effective in Increasing Microbial Diversity in Active Ulcerative Colitis.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 23(6):903-911.
Koczka CPhilip
Abramowitz M
Goodman AJ
. 2012.
The study of bone demineralization and its risk factors in an Afro-Caribbean subset of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 24(7):759-61.
Zegarra-Ruiz DF
Kim DV
Norwood K
Kim M
Saldana-Morales FB
Hill AA
Majumdar S
Orozco S
Bell R
et al.
. 2021.
Thymic development of gut-microbiota-specific T cells.
Nature. 594(7863):413-417.
Zegarra-Ruiz DF
Kim DV
Norwood K
Kim M
Saldana-Morales FB
Hill AA
Majumdar S
Orozco S
Bell R
et al.
. 2021.
Thymic development of gut-microbiota-specific T cells.
Nature. 594(7863):413-417.
Kiuru M
Camp B
Adhami K
Jacob V
Magro C
Wildman H
. 2015.
Treatment of metastatic cutaneous Crohn disease with certolizumab.
Dermatol Online J. 21(11)
Dassopoulos T
Cohen RD
Scherl EJ
Schwartz RM
Kosinski L
Regueiro MD
. 2015.
Ulcerative Colitis Care Pathway.
Gastroenterology. 149(1):238-45.
Qazi T
Verma R
Hamilton MJ
Kaplan ER
Redline S
Burakoff R
. 2019.
The Use of Actigraphy Differentiates Sleep Disturbances in Active and Inactive Crohn's Disease.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 25(6):1044-1053.
Malik F
Scherl E
Weber U
Carrino JA
Epsten M
Wichuk S
Pedersen SJ
Paschke J
Schwartzman S
Kroeber G
et al.
. 2021.
Utility of magnetic resonance imaging in Crohn's associated sacroiliitis: A cross-sectional study.
Int J Rheum Dis.
Narula N
Peerani F
Meserve J
Kochhar G
Chaudrey K
Hartke J
Chilukuri P
Koliani-Pace J
Winters A
Katta L
et al.
. 2018.
Vedolizumab for Ulcerative Colitis: Treatment Outcomes from the VICTORY Consortium.
Am J Gastroenterol. 113(9):1345.
Narula N
Peerani F
Meserve J
Kochhar G
Chaudrey K
Hartke J
Chilukuri P
Koliani-Pace J
Winters A
Katta L
et al.
. 2018.
Vedolizumab for Ulcerative Colitis: Treatment Outcomes from the VICTORY Consortium.
Am J Gastroenterol. 113(9):1345.
Narula N
Peerani F
Meserve J
Kochhar G
Chaudrey K
Hartke J
Chilukuri P
Koliani-Pace J
Winters A
Katta L
et al.
. 2018.
Vedolizumab for Ulcerative Colitis: Treatment Outcomes from the VICTORY Consortium.
Am J Gastroenterol. 113(9):1345.
Narula N
Peerani F
Meserve J
Kochhar G
Chaudrey K
Hartke J
Chilukuri P
Koliani-Pace J
Winters A
Katta L
et al.
. 2018.
Vedolizumab for Ulcerative Colitis: Treatment Outcomes from the VICTORY Consortium.
Am J Gastroenterol. 113(9):1345.
Battat R
Kopylov U
Byer J
Sewitch MJ
Rahme E
Nedjar H
Zelikovic E
Dionne S
Bessissow T
Afif W
et al.
. 2017.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective observational pilot study.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29(12):1361-1367.
Battat R
Kopylov U
Szilagyi A
Saxena A
Rosenblatt DS
Warner M
Bessissow T
Seidman E
Bitton A
. 2014.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease: prevalence, risk factors, evaluation, and management.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 20(6):1120-8.
Gordon BL
Galati J
Yang S
Katz PO
Scherl EJ
. 2020.
Vitamin C Deficiency: An Under-Recognized Condition in Crohn's Disease.
ACG Case Rep J. 7(7):e00424.
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