
Found 6 results
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Journal Article
Scherl EJ.  2002.  Irritable-inflammatory bowel disease: recognizing a new overlap syndrome and an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle.. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 8(5):373-4.
Dogan B, Suzuki H, Herlekar D, R Sartor B, Campbell BJ, Roberts CL, Stewart K, Scherl EJ, Araz Y, Bitar PP et al..  2014.  Inflammation-associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli are enriched in pathways for use of propanediol and iron and M-cell translocation.. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 20(11):1919-32.
Craven M, Egan CE, Dowd SE, McDonough SP, Dogan B, Denkers EY, Bowman D, Scherl EJ, Simpson KW.  2012.  Inflammation drives dysbiosis and bacterial invasion in murine models of ileal Crohn's disease.. PLoS One. 7(7):e41594.
Battat R, Lukin D, Scherl EJ, Pola S, Kumar A, Okada L, Yang L, Jain A, Siegel CA.  2021.  Immunogenicity of Tumor Necrosis Factor Antagonists and Effect of Dose Escalation on Anti-Drug Antibodies and Serum Drug Concentrations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 27(9):1443-1451.
Viladomiu M, Kivolowitz C, Abdulhamid A, Dogan B, Victorio D, Castellanos JG, Woo V, Teng F, Tran NL, Sczesnak A et al..  2017.  IgA-coated enriched in Crohn's disease spondyloarthritis promote T17-dependent inflammation.. Sci Transl Med. 9(376)
Zhang N, Yantiss RK, Nam H-S, Chin Y, Zhou XKathy, Scherl EJ, Bosworth BP, Subbaramaiah K, Dannenberg AJ, Benezra R.  2014.  ID1 is a functional marker for intestinal stem and progenitor cells required for normal response to injury.. Stem Cell Reports. 3(5):716-24.