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Journal Article
Gogokhia L, Buhrke K, Bell R, Hoffman B, D Brown G, Hanke-Gogokhia C, Ajami NJ, Wong MC, Ghazaryan A, Valentine JF et al..  2019.  Expansion of Bacteriophages Is Linked to Aggravated Intestinal Inflammation and Colitis.. Cell Host Microbe. 25(2):285-299.e8.
Viladomiu M, Kivolowitz C, Abdulhamid A, Dogan B, Victorio D, Castellanos JG, Woo V, Teng F, Tran NL, Sczesnak A et al..  2017.  IgA-coated enriched in Crohn's disease spondyloarthritis promote T17-dependent inflammation.. Sci Transl Med. 9(376)
Lukin DJ, Funez-dePagnier G, Lima S, Lai D, Duenas-Bianchi L, Ahmed W, Jacob V, Battat R, Scherl E, Longman RS.  2021.  No Durable Impact of COVID-19 on Intestinal Disease Activity in Subjects With IBD.. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 19(11):2312-2314.e3.
Ghosh G, Jacob V, Wan D.  2018.  Plasmablastic Lymphoma in a Patient With Crohn's Disease After Extensive Immunosuppressive Therapy.. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 16(4):e41-e42.
Jacob V, Crawford C, Cohen-Mekelburg S, Viladomiu M, Putzel GG, Schneider Y, Chabouni F, OʼNeil S, Bosworth B, Woo V et al..  2017.  Single Delivery of High-Diversity Fecal Microbiota Preparation by Colonoscopy Is Safe and Effective in Increasing Microbial Diversity in Active Ulcerative Colitis.. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 23(6):903-911.
Lima S, Gogokhia L, Viladomiu M, Chou L, Putzel G, Jin W, Pires S, Guo C-J, Gerardin Y, Crawford CV et al..  2021.  Transferable Immunoglobulin A-Coated Odoribacter splanchnicus in Responders to Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Ulcerative Colitis Limits Colonic Inflammation.. Gastroenterology.
Kiuru M, Camp B, Adhami K, Jacob V, Magro C, Wildman H.  2015.  Treatment of metastatic cutaneous Crohn disease with certolizumab.. Dermatol Online J. 21(11)